
about Yaeyama Chlorella
  • Chloros(緑)+ ella(小さなもの)= chlorella(クロレラ)

    植物と同じく光合成をして成長する藻類で、人間の赤血球の半分ほどの大きさです。 5億年前の原型を今日まで受け継いでいると言われています。 ヤエヤマクロレラは石垣島で採取し、単純分離したクロレラ株で光合成能力が高く繁殖力が旺盛です。 一日に一回分裂し、1回の分裂で4~8個に分裂します。

    Chlorella is a single celled plant that grows by photosynthesis, like the grass and trees we see on land. Each cell is tiny, only about half the size of a human blood cell. Amazingly, Chlorella is said to be virtually the same as it was millions and millions of years ago, dating back to even before the dinosaurs! The Yaeyama Chlorella is a specific type that was first collected from Ishigaki Island, at the tropical southern end of Japan. Under the bright sun, one of our Chlorella will split into 4 to 8 new Chlorella.


    A small single celled organism

    クロレラは私たちの身近に生息し、水溜り、沼、池、湖などの淡水の中で生活し、地球上に広く分布しています。 顕微鏡で拡大してみるとその中には右の写真でわかるように、直径3~8ミクロン(1ミクロン=1000分の1ミリメートル)の球状をした一つ一つの個体を見ることができます。

    Chlorella is actually a common organism. They live in puddles, swamps, lakes and other freshwater sources all around the world. If you take a very powerful microscope, you will be able to see small balls only 3-8 microns wide.

  • ヤエヤマクロレラは国産のクロレラ

    Yaeyama Chlorella is wholly Made in Japan.

    ヤエヤマクロレラ株は石垣島で採取し、純粋分離、育種を繰り返し開発され、 厳選な検査のもと選抜された高品質で良質な種株です。

    Yaeyama Chlorella was first discovered at Ishigaki Island, in the southern end of Japan. The Chlorella was then isolated and cultivated to create a top quality species.


    Yaeyama Shokusan Co., Ltd. was founded with the goal of researching the potential of Chlorella, developing the technology and methods to produce a product to benefit human health and happiness.


    We are a proud Okinawan company that builds a business that grows in harmony with the nature found on our bountiful islands. Our product is nurtured by the Okinawan sun and water.